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A letter from our publisher

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has a long legacy of driving positive change in our state through fair, reliable and meaningful journalism. Our coverage elevates voices, exposes government wrongdoing and impacts public policy. It also highlights what binds us together: our state’s successes, its natural beauty, unique culture, and, of course, the Hogs. Over the years, we’ve expanded way beyond the “daily paper.” Our news reaches more people now than ever, on different platforms and with more convenience.

However, like many other local newspapers across the country, we’ve had some financial setbacks over the years. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette can no longer rely on subscription and advertising revenue alone to fund its operations, but we’re committed to finding a sustainable business model for community news in Arkansas. We know that when local journalism disappears, everyone suffers – there’s more crime, higher taxes and less government transparency. Citizens lose crucial information needed to make important decisions.

Our state deserves to have a robust and trusted news source for many years to come, and that’s why we’re launching the Community Journalism Project. Donations will allow the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette to expand local coverage and more deeply investigate critical issues facing our state. All funds will be administered by the Arkansas Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that shares our passion for uncovering and addressing community needs. We’re grateful to partner with an organization that recognizes how vital local news is for the civic health of our state.

The Hussman family has owned and operated the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for many years, but we’ve always said that it belongs to the people of Arkansas. Thank you for investing in your statewide newspaper.

Eliza Hussman Gaines
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette