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Frequently asked questions

Why are you raising money through a non-profit?
Newspapers across the U.S. are struggling due to declines in advertising, drops in circulation and the availability of free content online. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is fortunate to be locally owned and have shareholders dedicated to maintaining a robust newsroom and quality product. However, we are not immune to issues facing our industry.
Local journalism is the foundation of a healthy and vibrant community. An informed citizen is an active citizen - someone who gets involved, votes and takes pride in their community. And they trust their local newspaper to keep them informed. In order to better serve our readers and ensure the future of Arkansas news, we need support. 
We’ve had readers and members of the community express interest in supporting our mission. Together, we can grow community awareness and sustain journalism as an institution that is essential to the health of our community. 
Who will provide funding?

We are seeking grants and donations from individuals, national and local foundations, private organizations and anyone interested in supporting and sustaining local journalism. We will publish the names of donors in the newspaper, unless they opt to remain anonymous.

How are funds spent? Will financials be available to the public?

All contributions to the Community Journalism Project are administered by the Arkansas Community Foundation, a nonprofit grant making organization. The Democrat-Gazette will provide an annual report to the ACF that includes a description on how the grants were utilized to further community journalism in Arkansas. This report will also be posted on this website. If a project is funded, it will be noted at the end of each story.

Do donors have any say in editorial content?

No. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ensures reader and public trust in our community-funded journalism. The Democrat-Gazette editors and reporters operate independently of our funders and maintain full editorial control over content. Funders do not have special access to newsroom staff.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

How can I help?
All donations to the Community Journalism Project are administered by the Arkansas Community Foundation in Little Rock. Online donations can be made here, and checks sent to:
Arkansas Community Foundation
5 Allied Drive, Suite 51110
Little Rock, AR 72202
Please make payable to the Arkansas Community Foundation and write “ADG Community Journalism Project” in the memo line.

Still have questions?
Check out the Community Journalism Project's presentation here or email