Thank you to our 2024 donors
Betty Couch Adams
Leon and Dorothy Adams
Alderson Family Foundation
Gynell Alexander - In memory of Randy Alexander
Chris Allen
Dianne Allen
Dinah Allen
J.D. and Cindy Allen
Richard Ament
Daniel Angelo
Anne Fund
Allison Anthony
Greg and Jajuan Archer
Buzz and Gail Arnold
Elizabeth Aronson
Asa Hutchinson Fund
Jess and Kate Askew
Patricia L. Audirsch
Jo Ellen and Tony Austin
Clyde Bailey
April J. Baily
Mike Baldwin
James Ballew
Melinda Ballmer
Carol Bantle
Kimber Barber-Fendley
Frank Barry
James Baskin
Jeannie Bates
Dana Battle
Raymond Battle
John N. Beaton
Kathleen S. Beattie
Rebekah S. Bell
David and Lynn Bell
Ruth Bell
Frances Bellingrath-Pugh
Mac and Gail Bellingrath
Mark Benton
Michael Benton
Bernard J. Winger Trust
Georgia D. Berry
Janet Berry
Bob and Patty Besom
Robert and Brenda Biehunko
Wanda Bishop
Dennis Black
Marlyn Blackwell
Steve and Susan Blair - In honor of Steve Staessle
Susan Blair - In honor of Rex Nelson
Shirley C. Blakely
Buff Blass
Linda D. Bly
Judith Booker
M. John Borchert
Nina and Thomas Boston
Dorris W. Bourland
Susan Gayle Bowman
Randy and Kathy Boyd
Jaclyn Bracey
Jay and Robbie Bradford
Michelle Bradley
William Brass
The Brenda Scisson Living Trust
James O. Britt Jr.
John and Janis Brizzolara
Patricia and John Brower
Jeanne Brown
Linda S. Brown
John R. Brownlee
Phillip E. Bryan
Robert and Dosia Bryant
Jerry W. Burchfield
Neil and Theresa Burge
William L. Burkepile
Jerome and Laurie Butler
Julie McDonald Cabe
Robert Cagle
Michael Callahan
Shannon Callahan
Caroline Cameron
J. Clyde and Claire Campbell
Mary Ann Campbell
Patricia Carson-Williams - In honor of Billy and Josephine Carson
David Chagnon
Susan J. Chan
Sharyl S. Cheek
Herbert E. Clark Jr.
CLCJ Properties LLC
Peter and Carole Cleveland
Samuel C. Cobb
Ron and Kathy Cockmon
Howard Cockrill Jr.
Will Cohen
Nick Coleman - In memory of Kathleen G. Geeslin
Gary and Emmalie Conner
James B. Conner
Sam D. Cooke
Michael G. Cope
Edgar W. Copeland III
Frank and Darlene Covert
Dwight Cowan
Don Cox
Thomas Crow
Jerry Damerow
Elizabeth Brotman and Alex Fleet Daniel
Ida and Kramer Darragh
Scott and Eva Davidson
Richard and Elizabeth Davies
Sharon Davis
T. Martin Davis
Debbie and Rush Deacon
Ashley Deed
Robert and Tabitha Delaney
Claiborne P. Deming
Dan R. and Louise W. Dennis
Barbara Denniston
Connie L. Detmers
James G. Diedering Jr.
Bill Dillard
Tabietha and Bill Dillard III
Bradley Diner, M.D.
Allen C. Dobson
Dolores and Don Riggin Charitable Fund
D.R. and Judith Donovan
Chris Doolittle
David Dostart
Joseph and Michelle Dowell
Robert B. Doyle
Michael F. Dry
Duclair Partners LLC
Robert and Jane Dudley
Wesley Duehr
Barbara S. Duncan
Richard and Ellen Dunn
Merritt Dyke
Nan Ellen East
Steve and Vanna Eddington
Christie Eddlemon
Kathleen and Jeff Eisenach
Rank Elliott
Sam Ellis
Donald Entenman
Taylor and Linda Eubank
Gary A. Evans
Ronnie and Sharon Fair
Steve and Melinda Faubel
Kevin and Sheree Feeler
Cammy Ferguson
John Furguson
Kevin Ferguson
Christopher Ferree
Jerold and Karen Fetzer
Sue Finley
Bob and Jeanne Fitzgerald
Gerald and Patricia Fitzpatrick
Greg and Janet Floyd - In honor of Jackson Floyd
Jay Fortner
Devere Fulmer
Jim and Janice Funk
Joanna Fureigh - In honor of Ray Fureigh
Eliza and Alec Gaines
Sheila Galatowitsch
Jacqueline Gardner
James and Barbara Garot
Maribeth W. Garrison
James E. Gaston
Suzanne R. Gates
James and Patricia Genty
Patricia W. Gernold-Ray
Gifford Charitable Fund
Shirley Ann Gilmore
Rebecca Glasscock
Gloria O. Venable Living Trust
Dorsey Glover
Mary Beth Glover
Allan Gerald and Laura Jean Gold
William Goodman
Louis A. Graham
Bart Gray
Kathleen Gray
Kenneth A. Greening
Wayne and Janet Gregory
Andy and Glenda Gresham
Philip and Patti Griffey
Philip and Carolyn Gustafson
Thomas and Mary Anne Guyette
Martha Hall
Betti and Lynn Hamilton
Julia Hamra
Stuart W. Hankins
Barbara Burks Hanley
Adrienne E. Hanna
Polly S. Hardin
Dan and Bonnie Harding
Willa Harkey
Don Harmon
Catherine L. Harp - In honor of Louis S. Harp
David and Jan Harrington
Julie Harris
Stuart and Louise Harris
Fred Harrison
William A. Harrison
Peter Hartstein
Charles Hartwig
Lloyd and Paula Hastings
John and Nayla Hatley
Howard and Barbara Hawes
R. Scott and Cathy Henderson - In memory of Wendell H. and Betty Crow
Kent and Carol Hendrix - In memory of Lena Hendrix
Michael and Molly Hennessey
James Henry
Joe and Mary Helen Henry
Robert and Johnnie Henry
G.F. and Chris Herring
Thomas and Sally Ann Herter
Guyette H. Herzog
Milton Herzog
Hickingbotham Investments, Inc.
Betty E. Hicks
Martha and Larry Hiett
Tommy Hignight
Beverly Hill
Donna Hill
Carol B. Hodges
Drew and Mary Jane Hodges
Erwin and Beverly Hoeft
Susan Hoffpauir
Peggy Hogue
Ray and Orvalene Holbrook
Olivia Hollifield
Cyril and Betsy Hollingsworth
Susan and Steve Holt
Andrea and Chris Hooten
Barbara Hoover
Jay Horton
Gary and Connie Hudson
Kenneth Huggins
Mary Hughes
Mike Hughes
Ron and Nancy Hughes
Randal and Jan Hundley
Renee Hunter
Ben and Walter Hussman
Palmer K. Hussman
Steven and Laura Hutchins
Dan R. Iley
Dorsey W. Jackson Sr.
John R. Jackson Jr.
Richard and Margaret Jacobs
Neal Jansonius
Joe Jeffers
John and Greta S. Eads Boyette Joint Rev Trust
Rick H. Johnson
Russell Johnson
Dave and Kathleen Jones
Robert and Mary Jones
Richard and Donna Jones
Shirley Jones
W. Henry and Kay Drilling Jones
J.F. and Patsy Jordan
Jonathan and Emily Joyce
Patti and Jim Julian
Ron Jumper
Jeffrey and Christine Kacer
Lane Keeter CPA
Christoph and Julie Keller
Drew and Cecelia Kelso
Douglas Killgore
William and Nancy Kimpel
Derek and Gayleen King
Tom and Jill King
Larry Kinslow
Gregory and Sandy Kipphut
Bruno and Nancy Kirsch
Virginia R. Kluth
Michael Knollmeyer
Michael Koone
Mary and Dean Kumpuris
Bobbi and Mark Lane
Heather Larkin
Carolyn and Paul Lasseigne Jr.
Allen Lassiter
Jack and Judy Lassiter
Sherri Latimer
Jamie and Chuck Launius - In memory of Charles E. Launius
Cornelia and Nathaniel Lea
Lester and Debra Lee
Meredyth Levering - In memory of Burton and Dorothy Levering
Ann R. Lewis
Robert and Sherri Lewis
Daniel and Gail Lien
Richard and Margaret Lincourt
Robert Lindley
Phillip and Carol Livingston
Elvon C. Lloyd
Annelle Lofton
Samuel and Terre Loudenslager
Mary Lowe Kennedy
Jon M. Lucas
Richard Lucy
Pamela Luther
Thad and Lynn Luther
Nell and Robert Lyford - In memory of Jim D. Johnson
Jack Lyon
Virgle and Sandra Lyons
Lewis J. Machen
Thomas L. Machen - In honor of Mike Masterson
Samuel Mackintosh
Madelyn and Jerry Adams Charitable Fund
Robert A Major Jr.
Dorothy M. Malone
Betty Gene Mann
James G. Manville
The Marilou Brodie Revocable Trust
Joe Massey - In memory of James Nelson Massey
Jean Matchett
Jackie and Pat Matthews
Phil Matthews
Jerry and Sue Maulden
Jim and Pat McClelland
James McGrew
James and Carmen McHaney
Barry and Phyllis McKuin
Bob G. McKuin
Mack and Donna McLarty
George and Carolyn McLellan
Teresa and James McMains
Jane P. McMullin
Van and Ashley McNeely
Vaughn and Jan McQuary
Sheila W. Mehaffy
David and Evelyn Menz
Walter Metzer
Ann and Bert Miano
Michael & Mary Lynn Steelman Revocable Trust
Steve and Sharon Michener
Shirley A. Miles
Fran P. Miller
Jeff and Kathy Miller - In honor of William J. Clinton
Sharon Miller
Staci Miller
Elena J. Moerman
Beverly Moguin
Shirley Moller
Norman and Millie Mondahl
Donald and Mary Monk
Rachel Monroe
Keith and Jamie Mooney
Moore Farms
Barbara and J. Malcom Moore Jr.
Burton and Lila Moore
Mary M. Moore
Thomas C. Moore - In memory of Geoerge W. Moore
Paul and Janet Morbeck
Jean Morris - In memory of George M. Fisher
William Morrow
Murray C. Moser
Elaine Motycka-Sharp
Joe and Betsey Mowery - In memory of Charles T. and Wendell H. Crow
Ms. Allene Higgins Charitable Fund
John and Diana Murphy
Randall and Virginia Neill
Evelyn R. Nelsen
Mary and Alvah J. Nelson III
Sheffield and Mary Lynn Nelson
Gary and Alanna Newton
Deborah Nicholas
Robert Nichols
David Norman - In honor of Stephen Steed
Thomas Norman
Walter and Sarah Nunnelly
Paul Nyhus
Lucille O. O’Keefe
T. Kevin O’Malley
Rachel O’Neal - In memory of Katie O’Neal
Rachel O’Neal - In honor of Stephen Steed
Edward T. Oglesby
Mary and Gary Olson
Tim Orellano
Susan and Ed Owens
Joseph L. Parker
Anthony Patton
Rhonda Patton
Charolette Paul
Jo Paulus
Valerie Pearsall
Samuel and Patricia Perroni - In honor of Walter E. Hussman Jr.
Mary Persinger
Cynthia Marie Peterson
Gene Pfeifer III
Robert Louis and Alice Johanna Pfeiffer
Mary E. Phillips
Dick and Gwenneth Picard
Ruston and Ann Pierce
Ted M. Pinney
Priscilla E. Pittman
Keith Pochert
Chloye Pogue
Janet C. Porterfield
Martin Pressman
Tom and Margie Pullam
Ralph Preston Brown Jr. Living Trust
Joao Henrique Santana Ramos
Ward J. Ramsay
Olivia and Joe Ramsey
Gordon S. Rather
Norma R. Ray
Bob Razer