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Together, we can protect the future of Arkansas news.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is the state’s largest newspaper and one of the last statewide newspapers in America. For over two centuries, our dedicated team has stood as a beacon of truth in our community. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette isn’t just a news outlet; we are the guardians of transparency, accountability and democracy itself.
To maintain this commitment to produce the best statewide newspaper, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette needs help from the community. Supporting local independent journalism enhances the quality of historic information on record.
With your contribution, you’re nurturing the growth of a community where facts triumph over fiction and where informed citizens drive positive change. Help support journalism that digs deeper into topics that matter most to Arkansans.
To donate by mail, send your check to: 
Arkansas Community Foundation
5 Allied Drive, Suite 51110
Little Rock, AR  72202

Please make checks payable to the Arkansas Community Foundation and write “ADG Community Journalism Project” in the memo line.

To learn more about the fund, contact:
Staci Miller
Director of Development


The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette values the trust of its readers and the public. The news staff operates independently of donors and maintains full editorial control over content produced with fund resources. Funders do not have any special access to reporters or newsroom projects.

Donations help fund newsroom salaries, journalism projects and essential tools and technologies to expand our news coverage. Through our partner the Arkansas Community Foundation, your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donors names are published by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette unless they choose to remain anonymous.

You can also support the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette by clicking here to become a subscriber.